Quote of Albert Einstein

Legal Structure

DMK FINANCE is a Swiss limited company whose sole share holder and managing director is Daria Mihaesco Krassiakov. The LLC structure allows transparent access to information regarding the company’s ownership; it is also a listed entity with the Swiss commercial register:

DMK FINANCE is affiliated to the Swiss self-regulation association of wealth managers (called SO-FIT) since June 22, 2011 and as such, follows the rules enacted by the FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority). Only individuals with high professional qualifications, a good reputation and who demonstrate strong experience in third-party wealth management are admitted as active members of the SO-FIT.

Mediation Body

In the event of a conflict with DMK FINANCE, after talking to DMK FINANCE and before resorting to legal proceedings, clients can apply to the Financial Services Ombudsman (FINSOM) for mediation. FINSOM will, for a modest fee or even free of charge, assess the dispute and act as a neutral mediator between the parties. The mediation shall be conducted in English.

Financial Services Ombudsman (FINSOM)
Avenue de la Gare 45,1920 Martigny, Switzerland